I just want to try and explain why I haven't posted as much this month as I have done the previous month. The reason to why is simply due to the fact I have been stuck on things to blog about. I just didn't know what to blog about for a while and I saw this month was nearly over so I might as well do an April Favourites.
I think next month I'm going to try and blog more than I did this month but it will be hard because I'm not entirely sure what to blog about but anyway here is my April Favourites.
The Nivea Lip Butter smells like heaven on a pan. I tend to get really dry lips around summer time and I started to get dry lips but then I found this and o started to use it and my lips arent dry at all and its really good. The one think I don't like is how you have to use your fingers and once you use it you can't touch anything until you wash your hands. That's why I like the baby lips lip balm.
So next in the photo you will see The Barry M Silk Nail varnish in the shade Truffle? I never paint my nails or at least I never used to paint them because I always had short nails but ages ago I tried to stop biting them and they got really really long so I started to buy nail varnishes but recently I bite them all off. From roughly around two weeks ago I stopped biting my nails and they have grown so I used my mums nail varnish that I bought her ages ago and I absolutely love this colour. This a nude colour but it is silky and it just looks beautiful. As you can see on my pinky it shows the effect.
Next up is a lovely Pecksniffs Rose and Peony pink candle me and my friend who I mentioned in my long distance post came up for a while and we bought these candles from Tkmax for £10 for two. We was stalking my sister at work then we decided to smell the candles and we both fell in love with it. We got on the floor and layed all the candles out and we sniffed them all but we loved that candle so we bought it. I honestly can't describe the smell but its SO good ( Anyone who subscribes to Alex and Mia's vlog channel will see what I did there ). It smells like the men's Hollister spray or perfume. It is so good but I don't like how easily it runs out. It doesn't look like its ran out but the flame has currently became really small. I would highly recommend this product.

I had one more item left but I think I'm just going to do a Review on this Product because it is a really good one so I'm going to end this here. I hope you enjoyed my April Favourites and Thanks for Reading.